More poetry from Hariett ‘Team Players’ (part 2)


The Curtain has fallen, the Lights are dimmed,
the floor with a Mop, has been briefly skimmed.
Make-up removed, Set all packed in the Trunk,
is it a Hit, or are we about to flunk.
Investors sit pensively on the sidelines, awaiting,
Actors and Audiences, with breath abating.
It’s a Winner, it’s a flop, who cares it has…been.
For Love, Charity and Hope, have stolen the Scene.
Have stolen their thunder, have triumphed over over all.
Have brought to our eyes, this cavernous maul.
Have brought to our senses, the stench of decay,
when good Men and Women, choose to look, the the other way!
Closing their Curtains, instead of calling for Help.
Turning out their Lights, to block out the 1st yelp.
Skimming the surface, as Bones and Skin fly.
Re-arranging their furniture, as another soul begins
But wait, here come Warriors, those of Valour and brave Heart.
Here, comes now Courage, let the New Day start.
Un-sung Hero’s they maybe, in the great Theatre of Life.
Yet called to do Battle, without fist or knife.
for the pen, is always, truly mightier than the sword.
So stand up humanity, and these Virtuous, Men and Women, Applaud.
Harriett E. Jarvis-Hoppe 21/09/2014


Bishop Auckland Town Hall performance

_MG_1617A big thank you to everyone who came and saw Playing House at Bishop Auckland Town Hall. See more insightful audience feedback in our ‘REFLECTIONS’ tab on our main menu.

We really value what you have to say as our audience and as the communities we are trying to reach out to raise awareness of domestic abuse .

IMG_0385Your valuable comments will help us in the next few months when putting together our applications to seek funding to continue this project and support more women and girls who are too often overlooked, unheard and ignored.

Audience Thoughts

Here is what one of the audience at Darlington thought about Playing House:

“I went to see this performance last week and can highly recommend it. Please go and hear the Voices of Durham Women who have bravely and eloquently told their stories of living with violence and abuse. Plus tea and cakes while listening. A totally fabulous experience.

A very powerful performance.”

Don’t miss your chance to see Playing House tomorrow 1pm (Women only) and 7pm at Bishop Auckland Town Hall.

Poetry by Harriett ‘TEAM-PLAYERS’ (part 1)


Like garments they lay upon themselves,
our past, our hidden, pain and wounds.

Making it their own, for a time and a time,
that all, may see and know of,
this so audacious crime.

Where man has laid his hand,
his fists, his smile turned to snarling lip.
His compliment turned to hateful quip
Yet these are no ordinary maidens and girls,
as I have found, as the Play unfurls.

Willowy, bright, sensitive, shocked,
as we shared tea and cake
and our, souls they clocked.

Coffee and Karma,
Bread and Butter of Drama

Each with a foot in our shoe,
they move into space…..
where we hide the glue.

Laughter, Panic, Normal or Manic

Making it through, as women, do.

Thank you for accepting, broken though I/we may be,

Thank you, that you chose to see, the real, me.

Thank you for caring if even only for one day,

Harriett E. Jarvis-Hoppe 🙂 18/09/2014
Community Participant

Thank you is all, my heart can say.


Rehearsal Day 5


Here is our multitalented performer Hannah making signs for the show!

Wahey! Today we finished blocking the show! So now we will be polishing our performances for you to see on Saturday at the Dolphin Centre in Darlington.

We also had a production meeting where we plotted and planned for the military operation that will be getting everything to Darlington and setting everything up.

The highlight of the day was playing a game with our community performers where we made silly faces! Everyone loved it and we had lots of giggles.

We have to say our community performers are really beautiful and amazing people who are generous with their enthusiasm and learning what they need to do in the show so quickly. They are going to be the stars of the show!